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Protect Your Children from Sports Injuries With These 3 Top Tips

As parents, we always want to protect our children, so when it comes to them taking part in sports, it can be challenging to just sit by and not concentrate on the possible problems that could happen. Luckily you don’t have to spend the season worrying or covering your eyes whenever your child is put into the game!

Relax and enjoy the game with these tips from Dr. Hubert Lee of CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists 

  1. Put them in the proper gear. Ensure that they have all the protective equipment they need for the sport, including the proper shoes. Inspect the gear on a regular basis to make sure that it fits properly and is in good condition. And make sure your child is wearing their equipment the right way.
  2. Motivate them to practice. Practicing the required skills and working on proper form is vital to staying safe in sports. Properly warming up and stretching prior to any activity and progressively building up one’s fitness level can also help to avoid injuries in younger athletes.
  3. Monitor and prepare for the weather. Ensure that your child is prepared for the weather conditions to avoid overheating or tightened muscles in the colder temperatures. Layers are recommended so children can remove or put on what they need. It’s also a great idea to keep gloves, hats and extra clothes and socks in your child’s game bag – and don’t forget the water!

While it might be less stressful for you if your children stuck to non-impact sports like competitive reading or chess, our kids do tend to love sports. And let’s face it, parents enjoy watching their kids participate, even if an injury is a possibility.

Hopefully, by following these tips to protect your young athlete, you can watch with a little less concern! Of course, nothing is foolproof, so if your child is injured, get in touch with Dr. Hubert Lee at CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists.  Call our office today at (425) 455-0936 to book your visit or schedule an appointment online so your child can get back in the game.

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