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Are You at Risk for Plantar Warts?

The first step in preventing any toenail or skin condition is understanding how and why it develops. It’s not any different when it comes to preventing a wart, so today Dr. Hubert Lee of CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists is sharing information regarding various risk factors for plantar warts.

There are many misconceptions when it comes to how a wart develops. The myth that frogs cause warts likely stems from the fact that certain toads have bumps that look similar to warts found on humans.

So if warts don’t come from frogs or toads, where do they come from?

Simply put, plantar warts are caused by a few different strains of a widespread virus known as HPV. Interestingly enough, not every person responds to those strains in the same manner, meaning that a strain that produces warts in one person might not do the same thing for someone else.

It only takes a minor cut, abrasion, or scrape to provide a way for one of these tiny organisms to enter your body, and when it does, you will begin to notice one of the unsightly growths.

Considering that, a noticeable risk factor for plantar warts is having any type of skin damage that provides entry for the virus. Technically, anyone can get plantar warts, but those who are at higher risk include:

The virus – much like bacteria and fungus – is often found in damp, warm environments where it thrives such as gym locker rooms, indoor pool decks, and communal showering areas. The good news is that you can lower your risk factor for developing a plantar wart by wearing clean shower shoes or sandals in these places.

Almost everyone develops a wart at some point, so it’s tricky to completely prevent this from happening. If you already have a plantar wart on your foot, or you get one in the future, the best course of action is to visit us for safe removal. Contact the office of Dr. Hubert Lee at CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists today at (425) 455-0936 to book an appointment or schedule it online.

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