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5 Tips To Ease Swollen Ankles And Feet In Warm Weather

If your feet tend to swell during the warmer weather, you should know that this is quite common. It occurs as a result of your body’s natural cooling device, intensified by factors such as age and diet. Today, Dr. Hubert Lee of CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists, in Bellevue, WA, talks about why your feet tend to swell in warmer weather, and what you can do to lessen this uncomfortable condition. 


If the hot weather is causing your swelling, there are several natural ways you can improve poor circulation, help return fluid to your blood vessels, and cool down your feet and ankles, including the following.


  1. Put your feet up. It is one of the first things you should do to help diminish the swelling. You should elevate your feet/legs higher than your heart, about 3 or 4 times a day for 30 minutes each.


  1. Stay out of the heat as much as possible. If you are disposed to swelling when it is hot, try to stay as cool as possible. To do this:



  1. Remain active. Although intense and excessive exercise or activity can contribute to swelling in the lower limbs, calm exercise such as walking and swimming is good for you as it helps to boost your circulation and release the fluid buildup


  1. Stay hydrated. Not drinking enough water can make the concentration of salt in your blood to rise, which makes your body retain any water you drink and cause swelling! Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of plain water a day, and if that’s difficult to do, try adding slices of cucumber and lemon to it.


  1. Watch your diet. To reduce your risk of getting swollen feet and ankles, it’s best to look at a lower-sodium alternative or lower-salt types of foods which are usually high in salts, such as sauces, crisps, smoked meats, and soups. Try to avoid highly processed foods as these often have a high salt content.


Follow these tips from Dr. Hubert Lee at CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists in Bellevue, WA, and you’ll enjoy happy and healthy feet this summer. If you’re experiencing any issues with your feet, contact us today at (425) 455-0936 to schedule a consultation.

Dr. Hubert Lee

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