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5 Things You Can Do to Decrease Your Risk of Osteoporosis

woman exercising with yoga

May is National Osteoporosis Month, and approximately ten million Americans currently suffer from the condition. As this condition elevates your susceptibility to bone fractures, you need to understand why and how osteoporosis develops. Today Dr. Hubert Lee at CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists in Bellevue, WA is sharing what you can do to help protect your bone health if you suffer from osteoporosis.

As mentioned, this condition weakens the bones and makes them fragile and more prone to breaking when stressed. If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, it means that your bones have already become considerably vulnerable and thin, to the point where even a slight accident or bump can cause a broken bone.

While diminished bone density is a normal part of aging, for some this process is fast-tracked, which places them at a higher risk. It tends to be more common in women typically after completing the first few years of menopause.

Managing the Symptoms of Osteoporosis

If your bone mineral density is diminishing but you haven’t yet been diagnosed with osteoporosis, taking small steps to help keep your bones healthy can decrease your possibility of developing the condition. Here are 6 things you can do. 

  1. Regular exercise: Try at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days per week. Start with brisk walking and include resistance training and weight-bearing exercise to improve the bone mineral density


  1. Vitamin D and Calcium: You should get at least 700mg of calcium in your daily diet. From milk and yogurt, green leafy vegetables, and dried fruit. Vitamin D also helps your body absorb calcium and is found in red meat, egg yolks, oily fish, and other sources.


  1. Lifestyle Changes: Changing lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking can help decrease your risk of osteoporosis. Sustaining a healthy body weight is also recommended. 


  1. Custom OrthoticsOrthotics move pressure away from areas of the feet that are exposed to high stress and are therefore vulnerable to breaks. They also cushion the feet to absorb shock better and encourage a healthy gait pattern and improve stability to the foot to reduce the risk of falls. 


  1. Physical therapy: We can help you meet your daily exercise needs to improve your bone health. Along with regular exercise, you can include Pilates, hydrotherapy, and more.


If you want more tips to reduce your risk of osteoporosis, contact the office of  Dr. Hubert Lee at CarePlus Foot & Ankle Specialists in Bellevue, WA today at (425) 455-0936 to schedule a consultation at your earliest convenience.

Dr. Hubert Lee

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